WOWSC Important message regarding the water system
February 18, 2021
Important Message regarding the Water System
If you have had continuous water service through this event you do not have to boil your water. If you have lost water pressure or have no water and are in the affected boil water notification area, homes in the west side of Windermere including the Center Cove two and three, the Hill Loop, Tennis Village, and Soda Creek, please be advised that crews have been and continue to work to restore water service.
Please be assured that crews are working diligently to diagnose and fix the problems.
Once water service is restored to the affected area, the boil water notice will remain in effect until public notification is given and the order is lifted. Typically, the need to boil water lasts for 24 to 48 hours, but can be longer and may last for several days or more. How long will depend on how long it takes for laboratory results to confirm it is safe to return to normal water use.
• The WOWSC is aware there are water issues.
• We are working as diligently as possible to get all issues resolved.
• If you have low water pressure or are in a designated boil water location, please follow the boil water guidelines.
WOWSC appreciates your patience and understanding in these unprecedented times.