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WOWSC Freeze Warning

The Windermere Oaks Water Supply Corporation would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.


Your neighborhood water company is asking our members to prepare for the winter storm predicted by the National Weather Service to arrive Thursday. You may review their forecast here. Pipes that freeze and burst may have a serious negative impact to our system. Please call 512-809-8650 or 830-613-8137 to alert the water company of any signs that a main line or vacant home's pipes may have burst.


To prepare your house for the freezing weather, please review the Austin Water website that contains tips: Cold Weather Tips for Potential Freezing Weather | AustinTexas.gov


The water company successfully conducted its weekly run of the propane generator on Monday. Should regional electricity fail, like it did in February 2021, the generator should restore power to our plant system, like it did in 2021. 


Otherwise, we hope this holiday season message finds you healthy and happy. We are looking forward to the new year now that one piece of contentious litigation has been resolved. The water company will continue to do its part in creating open communications that encourage civil and respectful dialogue about its operational future.  


All the best to you and yours! Stay warm!


Windermere Oaks Water Supply Corporation